Friday, December 31, 2010

Say Who I Am (2)

The musical air coming through a flute,
a spark off a stone, a flickering in metal.

Both candle,
and the moth crazy around it.

Rose, and the nightingale
lost in the fragrance.

I am all orders of being, the circling galaxy,
the evolutionary intelligence,

the lift and the falling away.
What is and what isn't.

You who know Jelaluddin,
you the one in all,

say who I am.
Say I am you.


  1. hello
    Jala luddin's
    nows nouns box
    resembling the layers of Trident

    why are me
    who are you
    said I was told to
    Lee clock middle C
    Locke J. too shy
    to make three
    sister's are the owners
    Genii's of genius the charts
    Harts' to charm all of hearts
    yet I'll never know when or if
    theres a two or three to each atree
    I see six with the e instead of I
    not counting shadow's of V
    two pairs of one more the two
    or three pairs one less than three
    more L'amour more L'amour
    yes you are not unlike me
    she's us

  2. I never understood why that punk Rumi like to poke fun at me, If you ever come across any soup sufi ghosts dirty as DUM, Ruthi promise you'll deliver my message,

    Payback's a Bad Mother Effigy but Fun when it's LOVE and He's Lucky it's so close to 2013 and I already have two strikes 3 fouls and no....scratching two balls


    full count, well, *almost* not quite cause not 3 but two, 2 testimonies to bare to two sisters

    (just kidding Don, Thank You Mr. Mowry, you are as kind as your wife)

    Thank you Don and Ruth, written and inspired countless beautiful poems

    ~dusti (and that punk twin dusty wrote otra levante poem)


At the request of a Rumi Reader, I have enabled comments, because I agree that someone, sometime might want to write about the power of Rumi's words. So many times they have met me in ways I just have to share, and so I want you to have that opportunity here. There is no expectation for comments, but please do write something if you feel the urge. ~ Ruth