Friday, December 3, 2010

A General Introductory Lecture

A nightingale flies nearer the roses.
A girl blushes. Pomegranates ripen.

Hallaj will be executed.
A man walks a mountain path, solitary
and full of prayer.

Narcissus at the edge, creekwater washing
tree roots. God is giving
a general introductory lecture.
We hear and read it everywhere,
in the field, through the branches.
We will never finish studying.

Neither of us has a penny,
yet we are walking the jeweler's bazaar
seriously considering making a purchase.

Or shall I say this with other metaphors?
A barn crowded with souls.
Quietness served around a table.

Two people talk along a road
that's paved with words.


  1. Rumi's 'road paved with words' sounds to me like the blogosphere. Thanks, Ruth.


At the request of a Rumi Reader, I have enabled comments, because I agree that someone, sometime might want to write about the power of Rumi's words. So many times they have met me in ways I just have to share, and so I want you to have that opportunity here. There is no expectation for comments, but please do write something if you feel the urge. ~ Ruth