Thursday, August 5, 2010


Which is worth more, a crowd of thousands,
or your own genuine solitude?
Freedom, or power over an entire nation?

A little while alone in your room
will prove more valuable than anything else
that could ever be given you.


  1. I love it Ruthi!
    Pete would say "would you rather be an orphan or a slave?"

  2. There is something very comforting about this. It is like 'there is nothing I need do'- it just frees me of the ego push 'to do' something and opens a door to what wants to happen next.


At the request of a Rumi Reader, I have enabled comments, because I agree that someone, sometime might want to write about the power of Rumi's words. So many times they have met me in ways I just have to share, and so I want you to have that opportunity here. There is no expectation for comments, but please do write something if you feel the urge. ~ Ruth