Wednesday, July 14, 2010

You Are as You Are

Der Spaziergang, Marc Chagall

You do not resemble anyone.
You are not the bride or the groom.

You do not fit in a house with anyone.
You have left the closed-in corner
where you lived. Domestic animals
get ridden to work. Not you.

You are as you are,
an indescribable message on the air.


  1. "You are as you are, an indescribable message on the air"--- how wonderful. Is beauty always so simple?

  2. The photo prompt you selected is a perfect companion to your beautiful poem -- love the tone and cadence to this wonderful read.


  3. Thanks, Joanny, yes, I love this painting paired with the poem. But just to be clear, this is Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks.

  4. Yes, a perfect pairing. You've no idea how I need Rumi's message today. Thank you!!


At the request of a Rumi Reader, I have enabled comments, because I agree that someone, sometime might want to write about the power of Rumi's words. So many times they have met me in ways I just have to share, and so I want you to have that opportunity here. There is no expectation for comments, but please do write something if you feel the urge. ~ Ruth